
SAMUDRA LED Vs Incandescent Bulb (IB) Vs Fluorescent Tubelights (FTL) Vs CFLs
Parameter Incandescent
Bulb (IB)
Tube Light (FTL)
CFL Samudra LED
Tube Light
Projected lifespan 2,500 hrs. 8,000 hrs. 8,000 hrs. 50,000 hrs.
Watts per light 150 36 30 15
Watt per light including ballast 175 40 33 15
Total lumens 2250-2500 2500 2000 1607
Efficacy of light 15-25 50-67 50-70 107
Coefficient of utilization (COU)* 0.4 0.4 0.6 1
Useful lumens** 900-1000 1000 1200 1607
% Achievable projected energy savings*** NA NA NA >90% in comparison to IB
>60% in comparison to FTL
>54% in comparison to CFL
(A): Approx. product cost per light INR 50.00 INR 40.00 INR 300.00 INR 1,200.00
KWh in 50K hrs.. 8750 2000 1650 750
(B): Energy cost for 50K hrs. usage @ Rs. 8.00/unit. INR 70,000.00 INR 16,000.00 INR 13,200.00 INR 6,000.00
(C): No. of lights needed for 50K hrs. of usage 20 7 7 1
(D): Cost of lights for 50K hrs. (A x C) INR 1,000.00 INR 280.00 INR 2,100.00 INR 1,200.00
Total cost for 50K hrs. (B + D) INR 71,000.00 INR 16,280.00 INR 15,300.00 INR 7,200.00
Cost of Energy Savings over 50K hrs. assuming 25 lights
Total cost for 25 lights INR 1,775,000.00 INR 407,000.00 INR 382,500.00 INR 180,000.00
Cost savings achieved after installing Samudra LED. NA NA NA IB vs SamLED: INR 15.95L
FTL vs SamLED: INR 2.27L
CFL vs SamLED: INR 2.02L
* Coefficient of Utilization (COU) - Is a factor used to determine the efficiency of a luminaire in delivering light for a specific application.
** Useful Lumens - If at least 80% of the total light output (luminous flux) from a luminaire is in a cone of pi steradians (120°), that is considered to be Useful Lumens. What matters is not the total light output (luminous flux) but where the light is shining. The more light that is thrown forwards into the 120° cone, the better. Light emitted outside of this cone is generally considered to be wasted
*** % of Energy Savings - the savings % achieved by Samudra LED luminaires do not compromise on the existing lux of the conventional lights which have been compared. Infact along with the projected savings, lux improves by ~ > 50%. Higher savings can be achieved by using Samudra's auto-dimming feature.
SAMUDRA LED Vs Sodium Vapour (SV) Vs Mercury Vapour (MV) Vs Metal Halide (MH)
Parameter Sodium Vapour (SV) Mercury Vapour (MV) Metal Halide (MH) Samudra LED
Street Light
Projected Lifespan 15000 hrs. 15000 hrs. 10000 hrs. 50,000 hrs.
Watts per Light 70 75 70 25
Watt per Light including ballast 80 85 80 25
Total lumens 5200 5200 5500 3300
Efficacy of light 70 30-60 30-70 132
Coefficient of Utilization* 0.6 0.6 0.6 1
Useful Lumens** 3120 3120 3300 3300
% achievable projected Energy Savings *** NA NA NA >68% in comparison to SV
>70% in comparison to MV
>68% in comparison to MH
(A): Approx. product cost per light INR 3,100.00 INR 3,000.00 INR 3,100.00 INR 8,000.00
KWh in 50K hrs. 4000 4250 4000 900
(B): Energy cost for 50K hrs. usage @ Rs. 8.00/unit. INR 32,000.00 INR 34,000.00 INR 32,000.00 7200
(C): No. of lights needed for 50K hrs. of usage 4 4 5 1
(D): Cost of lights for 50K hrs. (A x C) INR 12,400.00 INR 12,000.00 INR 15,500.00 INR 8,000.00
Total cost for 50K hours (B + D) INR 44,400.00 INR 46,000.00 INR 47,500.00 INR 15,200.00
Cost of Energy Savings over 50K hrs. assuming 25 lights
Total cost for 25 lights INR 1,110,000.00 INR 1,150,000.00 INR 1,187,500.00 INR 380,000.00
Cost savings achieved after installing Samudra LED. NA NA NA SV vs SamLED: INR 7.3L
MV vs SamLED: INR 7.7L
MH vs SamLED: INR 8.07L
* Coefficient of Utilization (COU) - Is a factor used to determine the efficiency of a luminaire in delivering light for a specific application.
** Useful Lumens - If at least 80% of the total light output (luminous flux) from a luminaire is in a cone of pi steradians (120°), that is considered to be Useful Lumens. What matters is not the total light output (luminous flux) but where the light is shining. The more light that is thrown forwards into the 120° cone, the better. Light emitted outside of this cone is generally considered to be wasted
*** % of Energy Savings - the savings % achieved by Samudra LED luminaires do not compromise on the existing lux of the conventional lights which have been compared. Infact along with the projected savings, lux improves by ~ > 50%. Higher savings can be achieved by using Samudra's auto-dimming feature.
Category Impact on the Luminarie based on Freqency of ON/OFF Cycles Power On Time Fragile Heat Emmission Night Sky Pollution Toxic & Hazardous Materials
CFL Reduces Life - more the frequency lesser the life Slight Delay Yes. Breakable Medium YES 3-10 mg mercury/bulb
FTL Reduces Life - more the frequency lesser the life Slight Delay / Flicker Yes. Breakable Medium YES 5 mg mercury/FTL
HPSV Reduces Life - more the frequency lesser the life 5-10 Mins Delay Yes. Breakable High YES 15 mg mercury/Light
Samudra LED No Impact Instant No. Un-Breakable Low NO No Toxic Materials. Eco - Friendly
  Samudra LED Vs Conventional Vs Competition: Power Consumptions & Lumens
  Conventional Fixture: Power & Type 28W 36W 2X36W 70W 150W 250W 400W 70W 150W 250W 400W
  LIGHT TYPE TL TL TL Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular Tubular
CONVENTIONAL System Power (W) 31 48 96 90 175 285 450 90 175 285 450
Rated lamp luminous flux (as per DGS&D) 2400 2500 5000 5200 12500 22500 42300 5500 11600 20500 35000
Coefficient of Utilization 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Useful Lumen (Considering COU) 960 1000 2000 3120 7500 13500 25380 3300 6960 12300 21000
COMPETITION System Power (W) 13 13 26 42 95 175 330 42 90 160 275
Approx. System Lumen 1056 1100 2200 3432 8250 14850 27918 3630 7656 13530 23100
(Considering COU for LED System @ 10%)
Energy Savings 58% 73% 73% 53% 46% 39% 27% 53% 49% 44% 39%
SAMUDRA LED System Power (W) 9 9 19 30 75 135 255 30 75 112 255
Approx. System Lumen 1125 1125 2250 3704 8425 15580 27975 3704 8425 13586 27975
Energy Savings
Samudra Vs Conventional
70.97% 81.25% 80.21% 66.67% 57.14% 52.63% 43.33% 66.67% 57.14% 60.70% 43.33%
Energy Savings
Samudra Vs Competition
12.97% 8.25% 7.21% 13.67% 11.14% 13.63% 16.33% 13.67% 8.14% 16.70% 4.33%
Sr. No. Description SAMUDRA COMPETITION Remarks/Observations
1 Nature of contract Energy Performance Contract Annuity Model SAMUDRA: No capital expenditure required. Contract based on Performance and Sharing of Energy Revenue. Project entitled to earn Carbon Credits as Savings can be proved. Penalties on SAMUDRA in case of non-performance. Project drives Accountability and Smart Governance.
COMPETITION: Savings are not based on facts but on deemed (assumed) savings. Cost of project is based on EMI model. No penatly clause for non-performance. Since no baseline, project not eligible for carbon credits. High risk project for the Municipality.
2 Lumen Depriciation ~10% over 10 yrs. ~30% over 7 yrs. SAMUDRA: System Efficacy ranges between 110 to 130 Lm/W. High Efficacy and Low Lumens Depriciation means over 10 years the System Efficacy will come down to 99 to 117 Lm/W.
COMPETITION: System Efficacy ranges between 80 to 90 Lm/W. Low Efficacy and High Lumens Depricition means over just 7 years, the System Efficacy will drasticaly come down to 56 to 63 Lm/W. This means the illumination levels/lux will reduce by a very large margin.
  Baseline Audit by an Independent Engineer Yes No SAMUDRA: Baseline Audit is carried out by and Independent Engineer before implemetation of the project. This ensures accountibility, transparencey and creates a benchmark for calculating energy savings acheived after installing LED Lights.
COMPETITION: Energy savings are most of the times based on deemed savings without any baseline audit conducted. Even if the baseline audit is conducted it is generally conducted by the vendor company itself. This compromises on transparency and accountability.
3 Assurance to Govt. of minimum committed energy savings. Yes No SAMUDRA: Assurance of minimum committed energy savings which can be measured using CCMS - remote centrally controlled monitoring system.
COMPETITION: Only 50% deemed savings. No provision to verify and prove energy savings.
4 Government's earnings though energy savings Yes No SAMUDRA: Govt. earns an agreed percentage/share from achieved savings based on Baseline Consumption
COMPETITION: Govt. earns nothing.
5 Payment Structure Based on actual, achieved and committed energy savings Annuity schemed based on deemed energy savings SAMUDRA: gets its monthly payment only after achieving and proving minimum committed energy savings.
COMPETITION: Get fixed monthly instalments based on deemed savings. No provision to verify and prove energy savings and lamp performance.
6 Payments by Govt. to Vendor Yes No SAMUDRA: Samudra will receive payment based on actual savings with reference to base line & Factual Data .
7 Penalty Clause on non-achievement of committed energy savings Yes No SAMUDRA: Severe penalties if assured minimum committed savings are not achieved with respect to baseline.
COMPETITION: No reference point created in form of baseline and hence energy savings cannot be proved. So, no Penalty Clause.
8 Turn around Time to repair faults in lighting 24 hrs. 48 hrs. SAMUDRA: has a system to detect faults thereby ensuring they are repaired in 24 hrs. Accountability in Public Lighting System is created for the first time in India.
COMPETITION: No process/system to monitor faults. Repairs addressed in 48 hrs. after receiving consumer complaints.
9 Power Theft Monitoring Yes No SAMUDRA: CCMS has the ability to detect power loss/abnormalities in power consumption.
COMPETITION: No such provision.
10 Auto On/Off Feature for Direct Point Street Lights. Yes No SAMUDRA: Photocell feature for direct point street lights. This eliminates the need of manual intervention to operate the lights and optimizes energy savings.
11 Disaster Management Yes No SAMUDRA: a provision to switch off all the lights in a single command from a remote location in case of an eventuality.
COMPETITION: No such provision.
12 Mechanism to establish baseline for energy consumption of existing street lights Yes No SAMUDRA: Independent Energy Auditor (IEA) appointed to establish existing power consumption at each feeder point.
COMPETITION: No such provision. Project based on deemed savings.
13 Mechanism to establish baseline for Lux of existing street lights Yes No SAMUDRA: Independent External Auditor appointed to establish existing Lux at each feeder point.
COMPETITION: No such provision.
14 Mechanism for Asset Marking Yes No SAMUDRA: Independent External Auditor appointed for this purpose.
COMPETITION: No such provision.
15 Acknowledgement of Baseline Data by Authorized Designated Body as per the EPC Yes No SAMUDRA: Joint Survey Team to acknowledge the baseline findings conducted by the IEA. The ECM Plan of SAMUDRA needs approval of IEA based on which Ammendment Agreement is executed between Govt. and SAMUDRA for every Phase. The ECM can be executed by SAMUDRA only after the amendment Agreement. This procedure eliminates all future disputes with respect to the project.
COMPETITION: No provision for baseline survey and any such procedures.
16 Co-relation of energy bills with energy consumption Yes No SAMUDRA: Bills generated on actual, measured, proved energy consumption.
COMPETITION: Bills generated on assumed energy savings which are based on the earlier generated bills, which were also based on deemed consumption. Deemed savings based on deemed consumption leads to inaccurate and misleading figures.
17 Performance Monitoring System Yes No SAMUDRA: Has specially designed a transparent software based system called CCMS (Centralized Control Monitoring System) which will monitor light performance and their electrical parameters, record power consumption and savings and generate reports and bills.
COMPETITION: No such system.
18 Provision of Audit by IEA to ensure committed performance Yes No SAMUDRA: Periodical audits by IEA to certify performance.
COMPETITION: No such provision.
19 Call Centre Provision for Monitoring Performance and attending to service calls Yes No SAMUDRA: Dedicated call centre to monitor performance 24x7 using CCMS.
COMPETITION: No provision for monitoring performance.
20 Performance Related SMS Alerts Yes No SAMUDRA: JMC and designated personnel will receive alerts via SMS for any abnormalities.
COMPETITION: No such provision.

About Us

Samudra Electronic System Pvt. Ltd. India, is an ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company. It has its Registered Head Office at Pune, India and Manufacturing Facility at MIDC Baramati, technology and resources needed to exceed customer expectations.



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